Atril rotation bug

Hey everyone,

I’ve been facing a rotation bug with Atril and I wanted to see if anyone else is experiencing the same issue or if it’s specific to my Acer Aspire AV15-51 laptop. Here are the details:

  • When I try to rotate pdf files using the CTRL Left / CTRL Right keyboard shortcuts, they only work the first time.
  • To return the document to its original position, I have to manually click on ‘Edit > Rotate left / Rotate right’.

I find this to be quite frustrating as I frequently need to rotate pdf files to view maps. It’s making me consider switching back to Evince. :slightly_frowning_face:

If anyone has any insights or suggestions on how to resolve this issue, I would greatly appreciate it.


hmm - seems to be working here.

So not sure. Do you have any apps running that might also be trying to grab CTRL Left/Right ?

Thanks for trying, @fossfreedom!
At the time of the problem, I don’t have any other applications running that might grab them.

I’ve tried other things, and it’s more complicated than that: It happens that the rotation works in both directions, but only for files that I haven’t already tried to rotate with Atril, or for pdfs of a certain type or origin. (?)

And it works on a VM…

Rotation keyboard shortcuts work perfectly with the latest Atril version (1.28.0) in snap format — AppCentre or terminal:

sudo snap install atril

By adding ‘-f’ in the launcher, Atril will also open in full-screen mode. This solves the problem of lack of size memory at startup:

env BAMF_DESKTOP_FILE_HINT=/var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/atril_atril.desktop /snap/bin/atril -f %U`

Perfect for my needs:
