Paramètres de gestion multiécrans

Pas forcément ? Pas adapté à l’UEFI ?

Nouveau noyau donc m.à.j du grub de l’installation système correspondante, c’est un comportement normal. Perso j’enlève le droit d’exécution sur les fichiers XX_os-prober dans le dossier /etc/grub.d de toutes les installations sauf une, immédiatement suivi d’un sudo update-grub : ainsi seul un grub reflète toutes les installations, à jour. Mais c’est un autre sujet…

Guys, please keep in mind the site is in English. Would be great if we could potentially join the discussion.

You’re right @vlijm hence my first answer in that thread, and link to a french speaking forum I know rather well.

Here is a boot problem. Felana’s first question was about settings for multiple monitors. But later she lost ability to boot. It seems to be a dual boot installation Win / UBudgie.

So now we are explaining how to
⋅ boot on an Ubuntu Live Session
⋅ or a Boot Repair Disk

We are aware of this. I’m not sure she can speak English though.
It would be a bit preposterous if we cannot help her just because of language.

@felana86800 je me rends compte qu’on ne sait pas de quelles versions des OS on parle ?
⋅ Windows 10 ?
⋅ Ubuntu Budgie 20.04 ou 20.10 ?

Si tu parviens à lancer une live-session d’UbuntuBudgie depuis dvd ou clé usb, tu pourras copier-coller ici le retour de cette commande :

lsblk -fe7 -o +size

il faut agrandir la fenêtre du terminal avant de lancer cette commande, afin que le retour ne soit pas tronqué ( c’est un tableau assez large ). Ça donnera la liste des disques et partitions en présence.

Entre balises code comme ça :
le retour de la commande
Le caractère 1x_altgr7 cest [ AltGr ] + [ 7 ]
( sur un clavier français azerty du moins - accent, grave ou aigu, je sais jamais ).

Hi all,

I’ll try with boot repair disk by my USB, like you’d said today. Sorry for replaying you too late, I’ve no time yesterday. I’ll be back soon when I’ve tried all of your advices. Thanks to all for helping me like this, it’s very very comforting for me. I’m a big big junior.


I’m going to continue in the French forum now.

Tiens-nous au courant quand tu auras résolu ton problème (d’une manière ou d’une autre).

Please come back afterwards to report the outcome/final state, whichever way you solved it.

Hello all,

So, I’m come back here to tell you that, I’ve resolved my issues by reboot all of my system with an USB key.
I installed Rufus and Ubuntu with a bootable key Iso.

And, so, my pc is working now veery well. But, I’ve faced many issues like, UEFI or other, so I decided to use only Ubuntu on pc, I won’t have to use windows.

I’d like to thank all of you with your help, and your understanding, with a big junior like me.

Enjoy all your day :slight_smile::slight_smile::slight_smile::slight_smile::slight_smile::slight_smile::slight_smile::slight_smile:

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