Testing 23.04 - Are you brave enough?

Kinda depends on the file being uplifted. For network manager i tend to keep since i use global network settings.

Ok, but nothing from the Budgie team that you guys put in the OS I need to know about?

nothing that I’m aware of - but do install 22.10 in a VM and do an upgrade to 23.04 - easier highlight a specific question about a file being changed rather than a generic type question.

Good idea, I will do that for sure then

Our default terminal font is now Noto Mono Bold size 11. For the raspi image this will be Noto Mono Regular size 11.

We have changed the font due to changes made by Canonical in Lunar with the Ubuntu Mono font we previously used for many year which we do not feel work for our distro.

For lunar and later there is now a new applet available - GitHub - EbonJaeger/budgie-user-indicator-redux: Manage your user session from the Budgie panel

"Manage your user session from the Budgie panel.

“This project is born from the changes to the User Indicator applet shipped with Budgie. Since it simply opens the Budgie Power Dialog, I figured people might still want the old menu. This applet gives them that option. The design is largely inspired from Elementary’s Wingpanel session indicator, with some bits of the old Budgie user indicator mixed in, with options to show/hide items in the menu.”

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Beautifull and work nice!
Only here it was necessary to add " --libdir=/usr/lib " to "meson --prefix=/usr build " ( meson
–prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib build )
thank you

Why are you compiling from source on 23.04?

Just installed the the image from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-budgie/daily-live/current/ and I was trying the screenshot shortcuts from Budgie Screenshot hoping that ctrl + screenshot would allow me to select an area but instead it pops a window and inside that window I’m able to select an area. Is this the correct behavior or maybe a bug since I’m using a virtual machine? Is this the same application that was mentioned here?
Testing 23.04 - Are you brave enough? - #9 by fossfreedom

This has been fixed. It will be available in a post beta update of budgie desktop

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because I was tired and I didn’t check if the deb was available…

In 23.04 luna.
There are 3 extra entries, move to the workspace left, top and bottom. Sure, not a big deal, but hey

Huh? That’s silly indeed.

Indeed. Its from a third party object that i dont think can be customised. Basically it would need to be completely written from scratch. Or just dont use those options!

i think it is a bug, look as work in budgie 1.6

Sorry - the video doesn’t seem to want to play here.

Not sure what you mean? Is it the thing you mentioned in the post about the up/down workspace?

screenshots from 22.04 budgie 16.1
first screenshot, only one workspace, no menus for move non existents workspaces

second screenshot, three workspaces, set on the first workspace,menu diplay only " move to workspace Right"

3th screenshot, set on middle workspace, menu display move to workspace :Righr /Up / Down

last screenshot, set on last workspace , menu diplay only " move to workspace Down"

last ws
this work as is write.
last screenshot is for ubuntu-budgie 23.04
menu for move workspace is allway show and somes items not work.
For me it is a bug on budgie side , so not necessaiment relate to ubuntu-budgie

Ah, thanks for clarifying, and thanks for bringing it up. It makes no sense indeed.

On KVM not usuable. Everytime when I try to run any program from launch menu it take me to going down to login screen.