VirtualBox High RAM use, no swap use

I have the exact same issue here. I I switch from Gnome to Budgie (fresh ubuntu 18.04 install).

Swap is never use even when needed, if my 11G RAM get filled then my desktop freezes. I then did a fresh installed using the Ubuntu Budgie ISO and I still have the same issue.

  1. As you can see below, I have a total of 11G of Swap, 0 is Free and 100% is shared.

     ~$ free -h
                   total       utilisé      libre     partagé tamp/cache   disponible
     Mem:            11G        5,6G        2,3G        142M        3,8G        5,6G
     Partition d'échange:         11G          0B         11G
  2. Checking the Swap status, you can see that 0 is used. What I found interesting is that priority is -2 and setting it to -1 is not working, I can set it to any other number but not -1… as if there was another existing swap although there is none:

     ~$ sudo swapon -s
     Nom de fichier				Type		Taille	Utilisé	Priorité
     /swapfile                              	file    	12582908	0	-2

Using another command:

~$ cat /proc/swaps 
Filename				Type		Size	Used	Priority
/swapfile                               file		12582908	0	-2
  1. For your information, my partition is encrypted on an lvm partition.

Would appreciate help to solve this !

Another note: My computer needs to stay on all the time. Sometime after few days I can see the Swap working… It’s a pretty weird situation and if someone can help diagnose the issue I would be very happy !!!

This thread is specifically about bugs with virtualbox and its memory use.

If you are not using virtualbox on UB then please start a new thread. Would be useful to describe what apps your are running.

e.g. elsewhere someone mentioned about high memory/cpu usage and this was tracked down to be a bug with the Spotify snap

Ho sorry, did not notice that in the title or category of the thread. But the issue is exactly the same I believe. No Spotify though.

Not a lot we can do about virtualbox. The issue needs to be reported to Oracle and they will need to fix their software.

The alternative is to use another virtualisation software such as gnome boxes