Can't compile budgie applets using vala which includes budgie in the code

I’m trying to compile vala applets using old ikey 's Vala example applet, but whenver I run a command like “valac --pkg gtk±3.0 ValaExample.vala” it gives me error like

ValaExample.vala:27.48-27.53: error: The symbol `Budgie' could not be found
 public class ValaAppletExample : GLib.Object, Budgie.Plugin {
ValaExample.vala:29.12-29.17: error: The symbol `Budgie' could not be found
    public Budgie.Applet get_panel_widget(string uuid)
ValaExample.vala:40.27-40.32: error: The symbol `Budgie' could not be found
public class ValaApplet : Budgie.Applet
ValaExample.vala:46.13-46.18: error: The symbol `Budgie' could not be found
    unowned Budgie.PopoverManager? manager = null;
ValaExample.vala:109.42-109.47: error: The symbol `Budgie' could not be found
    public override void update_popovers(Budgie.PopoverManager? manager)
ValaExample.vala:137.31-137.34: error: The symbol `Peas' could not be found
    var objmodule = module as Peas.ObjectModule;
ValaExample.vala:138.46-138.51: error: The symbol `Budgie' could not be found
    objmodule.register_extension_type(typeof(Budgie.Plugin), typeof(ValaAppletExample));
Compilation failed: 7 error(s), 0 warning(s)

I’m on Manjaro budgie but I didn’t expect any support from them as their are very less community for budgie ,

I can easily compile other vala codes to C but not budgie-applets , I’m very new to Vala and Budgie-applets please guide me.

Is their other things or other arguments to give to the valac compiler?

also whats the use of their?


Under debian and ubuntu you need to install the package budgie-core-dev

Typically the dev packages needed for applets are


I presume under manjaro you have something similarly named?

As to meson parameters it depends where you budgie-desktop is installed. In debian it is installed in /usr/lib/budgie-desktop

So we compile applets with

meson --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib

Just to say, ikeys example is very non meson based.

More modern example applets are here

Thanks for the reply, I will try to install the packages and then build with it/ :slight_smile: