How to delete account or change username

Hey guys, How can I delete my account or change my username?

Deleting an account is covered by this meta:

The tldr; is that you must have one post or less to delete and account. Otherwise private message @bashfulrobot and he can delete your account.

To change your username you have 3 days after creating the account … again reasons are covered here

The tldr; is that changing a username breaks all links someone may have @your name may have made in a post. Again you can private message to have a username changed.

Hope that helps

Following @fossfreedom 's previous instructions, it seems I’m not allowed to pm anyone, or am I missing something?

Not sure. What do you want to do? Change name to something else or to delete the account?

I want to delete the account, but can’t seem to find a way to do it nor pm anyone, so I wrote here for assistance.

Account has now been anonymised and deactivated.

I would also like my account deleted.

I would like to delete my account as well. How Do i go about doing this?

Reviving this old post, since I also want to delete my forum account. The links in the response from @fossfreedom are no longer valid and the user “bashfulrobot” does no longer exists.

If there is a way to delete your own account in the settings, its hidden way to good.

just confirm in a post here that you want the account anonymized and i can do that … i.e. any posts you may have created will remain, but your name and account details (including your name on old posts) will be anonymized so that no attributes of you will remain here on discourse.

Will this anonymization remove my e-mail and similar information from your system?

yes - neither myself who has admin rights nor discourse who are the host provider will have access to who you are, when you logged in etc etc i.e. no identifiable data about you will remain in discourse.

Good. Then please do it. :slight_smile: