Maybe some here know about the trouble with my RTL8812AU WiFi USB Wireless failure to be able to run after every kernal update.
Somehow - a kernel update happened when I wasn’t looking - or spent an hour away from the 'puter. Every update disables my WiFi adapter.
At one time, I got the following to work - this was an original installation :
sudo apt install dkms
git clone
cd ./rtl8812au
sudo ./
Knowing that the driver has been installed and is being kept “someplace” in the distro magic files, I know that I can just re-ignite to installation procedure and not worry about downloading it ever time.
Still in all, this is disturbing as I thought a “dkms” was a command for any kernal updates to consider, install and keep for future installations every time a new kernal comes in.
Somehow - this doesn’t work.
What am I doing wrong? I need these kernal updates to at least announce that they are going to install so I can pick a better time for it to happen.
Other than this, Budgie is a great distro - er, fork in Ubuntu. I love it.