Brave browser bug when using "GTK+"

Brave uses chromium’s ui, but modded.

This is the problem, the address bar is weirdly colored. Changing the “Brave colors” to light or dark makes no difference.
Is this a Brave bug?
If yes, I can report it upstream.

I fail to see why this is a budgie issue. Can you please explain why you think it is?

No, that’s not what I meant.
I was saying it’s a Pocillo issue since other themes don’t have it.
I should have clarified, sorry :}

ah. in that case someone from the community will need to resolve. Brave isnt a default application so we dont have a direct interest in catching obscure app specific issues.

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I see, makes sense.
Since chromium works I’ll be asking if their GTK+ implementation is different and/or if they use a different widget. Then I’ll gather the appropriate CSS and submit upstream to Pocillo.
This isn’t a priority for me as I use the default Dark theme (the one ChromeOS uses), which interegates awesomely.

On my chrome happens the same thing

chrome tweaks have been made on the github pocillo project.

So brave looks like this now

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