HPLiP / HPLiP toolbox : broken in Budgie?

probs a qt issue as I said.
I strongly urge you to try my above solution in Budgie.

Mmmm… I may try. But before, some thoughts :
⋅ regarding HPLiP toolbox, I have problems in my Budgie sessions but not in my Unity session,
@fossfreedom has no problem in his Budgie session → did you have applied Codic’s workaround about Qt5ct ?
@codic you have no problem in your budgie session, but how can you be sure it’s related to qt5ct ?

I don’t understand why it’s not a system wide issue in my case. I have another Qt app I like very much ( sayonara player ) and I have no problem with it in UBudgie 18.04.

Because I myself, do use Qt5ct, and qt-gtk2 could be broken with this specific theme and app that you use, or it could be an issue which isn’t reproducible

hmm … wondering if either the unity packages have screwed things up … or maybe a rogue PPA.

no - just using vanilla.

Mmm… confirming Qt5ct may not be any culprit here, in that scenario.

Rogue PPA ?

coeur-noir@asgard:~$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*
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# deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/alexlarsson/flatpak/ubuntu bionic main #Flatpak
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# deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/lucioc/sayonara/ubuntu bionic main #Sayonara | Music player
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Ok, I did as you suggested and now HPLiP toolbox shows its natural face. See Can't use Qt5ct to change global application style to kvantum

Still there is a problem with its icon in systray : no menu on left or right click.Capture du 2019-12-24 15-39-10

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Does this help?

That’s great!
For the appmenu, that’s been happening to me with Klipper (KDE’s clipboard manager, also QT). Not sure how to solve it :frowning:

Indeed !

So now hplip-systray.desktop contains :

[Desktop Entry]
Name=HP System Tray Service
GenericName=Printer Status Applet
Comment=HP System Tray Service
Exec=dbus-launch hp-systray -x
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I don’t know maybe it’s the same joke : your clipboard needs to be launched through dbus ?

Yeah :stuck_out_tongue:
I don’t even need it, I use ClipIt. Was just curious