Missing in action

After an update last week my Ubuntu Welcome and Ubuntu Themes and Layouts is missing. Not sure what happened. Budgie Desktop settings is still there. Any help is very appreciated!

Sounds odd.

Have you removed the app?

snap list

That will show what snaps are installed.

You are looking for the ubuntu-budgie-welcome snap

Thanks for the reply,

Never removed a snaps list.

It’s not listed , just checked.

snap install ubuntu-budgie-welcome --classic

1 Like

Will that also install the Theme and Layouts that’s also missing?

Thanks for your time.

Yep. The layouts is simply a shortcut to a page within the welcome app. All shortcuts are installed at the same time.

Ok , thanks I’ll give it a go!

Thanks , worked perfectly!

Not working or me after upgrading from 20.04 to 21.10 and then 22.04. @fossfreedom

snap list
Name                   Version                     Rev    Tracking       Publisher               
ubuntu-budgie-welcome  0.17.5                      404    latest/stable  ubuntubudgie            classic
env BAMF_DESKTOP_FILE_HINT=/var/lib/snapd/desktop/applications/ubuntu-budgie-welcome_budgie-themes.desktop /snap/bin/ubuntu-budgie-welcome.budgie-themes --jump-to=default
[Debug] Opening page: default.html 
[_load_changed_cb] uri: file:///snap/ubuntu-budgie-welcome/404/usr/share/budgie-welcome/default.html 
[_load_changed_cb] uri:  
[_load_changed_cb] weird uri 

Not the only user either.

weird uri error exists for all of the snap binaries on my system…


Found it.

rm ~/.local/share/mime/mime.cache

Please update something or during the upgrade process to clear the cache.
