Notification issues

I may be wrong about this, but this is what i THINK happens based on the Raven source…

When it has a notification, it first looks at the icon name sent. (This is what chromium based browsers are sending with the “file:///” prefix, that appears to be breaking the icons) If the icon is a file location, it loads the icon. It determines if it is an icon name or a file by seeing if a “/” is in the name.

If that doesn’t work, it tries to load the image sent by the website. This is probably the preferred behavior, because then you get the website’s icon instead of just the default browser icon.

If that doesn’t work, it looks like it tries to find an icon based on the .desktop file if it finds one for the app name sent by the notification.

If that doesn’t work, it defaults to a generic icon (mail-unread-symbolic).

Since chromium-based browsers are sending the name prefixed with “file:///”, it is causing it to fail. If I change it with just one thing:

if ("file:///" in app_icon){
        app_icon = "";

Raven will now handle the image the way I think it should. What happens with that fix is that the .deb versions of browsers now show the image passed by the website (Brave, Opera, Vivaldi, Chrome). The snap version of Opera can’t get the icon from the snap, however it now correctly defaults to the Opera logo. Chromium however, doesn’t seem to play nice, but nevertheless, it defaults now to the “mail-unread-symbolic” icon instead of the broken image.

I attached a picture of how it looks with the fix. #1 is the snap Opera, #2 is how Chrome, .deb Opera, Vivaldi, and Brave all look. #3 is Chromium.

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