hmm - strange - please do look at your bug report - Canonical’s instructions are there.
I’m on it reading about about « -proposed ».
My actual version of budgie-trash-applet is 0.10.1-0ubuntu4~ppa1 ( not from proposed ).
Should I ppa-purge ppa:ubuntubudgie-dev/unstable
first ?
yes - please purge the PPA - then logout login before enabling the proposed repo and installing budgie-trash-applet
django@ASGARD:/etc/apt/preferences.d$ sudo touch proposed-updates
[sudo] Mot de passe de django :
django@ASGARD:/etc/apt/preferences.d$ sudo nano proposed-updates
django@ASGARD:/etc/apt/preferences.d$ cd
django@ASGARD:~$ sudo apt install budgie-trash-applet/eoan-proposed
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
Version choisie « 0.10.1-0ubuntu4 » (Ubuntu:19.10/eoan-proposed [amd64]) pour « budgie-trash-applet »
Les paquets suivants seront mis à jour :
1 mis à jour, 0 nouvellement installés, 0 à enlever et 0 non mis à jour.
Il est nécessaire de prendre 27,7 ko dans les archives.
Après cette opération, 0 o d'espace disque supplémentaires seront utilisés.
Réception de :1 eoan-proposed/universe amd64 budgie-trash-applet amd64 0.10.1-0ubuntu4 [27,7 kB]
27,7 ko réceptionnés en 0s (179 ko/s)
(Lecture de la base de données... 375521 fichiers et répertoires déjà installés.)
Préparation du dépaquetage de .../budgie-trash-applet_0.10.1-0ubuntu4_amd64.deb ...
Dépaquetage de budgie-trash-applet (0.10.1-0ubuntu4) sur (0.10.1-0ubuntu3) ...
Paramétrage de budgie-trash-applet (0.10.1-0ubuntu4) ...
File proposed-updates contains :
Package: *
Pin: release a=eoan-proposed
Pin-Priority: 400
So now is installed : eoan-proposed/universe amd64 budgie-trash-applet amd64 0.10.1-0ubuntu4 [27,7 kB]
Now let’s play with trash-applet…
don’t forget to logout and login … (which you have of course already done )
Stage is set, action !
django@ASGARD:~$ dpkg -l | egrep *-applet
ii budgie-appmenu-applet 0.7.3+dfsg1-1ubuntu1 amd64 Application Menu plugin for budgie-panel
ii budgie-calendar-applet 5.2-0ubuntu1~eoan amd64 Calendar Applet for the budgie-desktop
ii budgie-dropby-applet 0.10.1-0ubuntu3 all Applet to popup when a USB device is connected
ii budgie-indicator-applet 0.6.1-0ubuntu1 amd64 Application Indicator for the budgie-desktop
ii budgie-keyboard-autoswitch-applet 0.10.1-0ubuntu3 all Applet adding the ability to set a different keyboard layout per application
ii budgie-network-applet 2.0-0ubuntu2~eoan amd64 Network Applet for the budgie-desktop
ii budgie-pixel-saver-applet 4.0+git20200313-0ubuntu1~eoan amd64 budgie-desktop pixel saver applet
ii budgie-previews-applet 0.10.1-0ubuntu3 amd64 Applet providing window previews capabilities for the Budgie Desktop
ii budgie-quicknote-applet 0.10.1-0ubuntu3 amd64 Applet providing simple notes capability for the Budgie Desktop
ii budgie-recentlyused-applet 0.10.1-0ubuntu3 amd64 Applet displays files recently accessed for the Budgie Desktop
ii budgie-screenshot-applet 0.4.3-0ubuntu5~eoanbuild1 amd64 budgie-desktop screenshot-applet
ii budgie-showtime-applet 0.10.1-0ubuntu3 amd64 Applet displaying date and time on the Budgie Desktop
ii budgie-trash-applet 0.10.1-0ubuntu4 amd64 Applet allows access to trash capabilities for the Budgie Desktop
ii budgie-weathershow-applet 0.10.1-0ubuntu3 amd64 Applet to display the weather and forecast
First thing, first :
⋅ deleting the links through trash-applet only deletes the links and not the source files, so this seems fixed.
⋅ what remains, unability to restore through trash-applet if file was not on the same partition as /home/$USER
As you can see on the file with no time stamp, there is also no restore path ( there should be
/media/DATA/coeurnoir/Lien vers test_trash_home
As I mentioned previously - the restore issue is different and is not “critical” - i.e. loss of files is more important. Restore can be achieved through nemo.
I completely agree about what’s critical here.
But the the restore ability is the core feature of « trash », if no restore ability then why use a trash(-applet) after all ?
Restore works on a single partition. The issue here is trash cans on other partitions. That is a separate issue and a separate bug report that isnt going to be solved until a deep dive into the code is done.
So is another bug report needed on launchpad ?
And should I keep my system like this or just disable the proposed-eoan channel ?
Another bug would be welcome.
The proposed channel should definitely be disabled.
I am surprised the instructions from Canonical didnt cover that.
Please complete and update the issue so that Canonical are aware of the version you tested and the verification results. They base their decision on whether to release on the results and tag verification done etc.
@fossfreedom there’s had some ( welcome ) changes in trash-applet behaviour since first post here.
These days on 20.04 I noticed some folders can’t be deleted using trash-applet but files are deleted as expected.
Those files and folders came from my ~/Desktop
and this ~/Desktop
is actually a symlink to /media/DATA/user1000/Desktop
on another disk’s partition. A .Trash-1000 folder sits in the root of that partition, belonging to 1000
I can delete those folders using trash in Nemo.
So does not look like a rights/permissions issue, maybe something about file « types » ?
Ah damn maybe those threads should be « merged into » one ?