Budgie welcome There are some garbled codes in non-English speaking countries (22.04)

If you install the Chinese language directly, garbled characters will be displayed
Send me the Chinese package of this widget for translation.

hmm - it looks like the chinese font is overriding the unicode characters.

Not sure how to force a specific font for those - they shouldn’t be translated.

e.g. the #xE88E character

Btw to see the latest welcome with all your new translations

snap refresh ubuntu-budgie-welcome --edge

To switch back to stable

snap refresh ubuntu-budgie-welcome --stable

snap refresh ubuntu-budgie-welcome --edge,

I have fixed several translations, and there are still some translators who cannot find the original text. Please tell me, and I will translate it again. You can update it when you are free.

I found a solution, which is that these address symbols, if you change them to words, you don’t have a garbled code.

  • Please fix it, thank you
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