Do you know if I can burn a Ubuntu ISO file onto an external drive that’s connected to my budgie laptop via USB?
Hi @jimmoo!
I’ve never done it, but according to this tutorial, Budgie’s built-in “gnome-disk-utility” aka “Disks” seems to be able to detect the disc burner, which other applications don’t.
But why not just a key?
Hi @jlb!
I was able to burn the iso onto my external HDD, but the target PC rejected it.
I’m getting a bigger flash drive. Maybe that will do.
In the meantime, I’m downloading smaller distribution isos.
Your link was dead, btw.
Bad luck, @jimmoo, the link was active when I posted my reply, but in principle this is just a temporary glitch until the site’s server maintenance is complete.
Personally, I’ve been using the same 8GB key for several years now, and I’ve flashed all sorts of ISOs with no problem, even those around or over 5GB.