Can't change keyboard layout

Thank you, I didn’t realize that when you said menu, you were referring to the menu button. For the Language Support, I showed in the screenshot that the English and Japanese are checked. I needed to actually do the upload file, because when I did the drag and drop, it was only showing the location as it is on my system, but would not display the image.

ok - your japanese keyboard should have the various keys to switch to the relevant input mode.

If you are not using a japanese keyboard you will need to add to your panel the system tray applet, then via menu - ibus support, enable the tray icon.

When you switch to the japanese keyboard layout (via the keyboard applet you should also add to your panel) - you can switch the the correct input mode via the blue ibus icon in the system tray.

I have the applet that allows me to switch between keyboard layouts, but whether it is on the US or JP keyboard setting, it is only allowing for English input.

Please screenshot the input mode you have selected in the ibus system tray applet

Using the testing version and enabling this function, it was solved

I use latam keyboard

hey there, I have the same issue, I tried to use the ppa but it says

ERROR: ppa 'ubuntubudgie-dev/keyboard' not found (use --login if private)

hey there, tried this but it says that the ppa is not there?