Gsettings change budgie panel question

You need to use a gsettings override in /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas with a key and value like this

When you do a reset of the panel then the icon task list applet uses the override values

Thanks so much again!
Also, how do you get out of this reset command in a bash script? Haven’t figured that out yet. The bash script takes care of everything but will now stall at this command.

Remember to add an & at the end of the command

nohup budgie-panel --reset --replace &

& at the end does not help…

After a reboot, the command works and exits as expected :slight_smile:

I have modified the file /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/25_budgie-desktop-environment.gschema.override changing the pinned launchers in that key. Unfortunately it has zero effect. After a reset, the same default applications that you see after a fresh install are shown.
I made sure I made no typing error as I simply copied the values between [ ] from dconf watch output after I placed the apps on IconTaskList.

I also tried creating a seperate .override file in that folder with the key and values, no effect.

Then I checked the other override files in that folder, but none contain that key. :frowning:
I also did a reboot and tried again, no effect.

Remember you have to compile the schemas

sudo glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas
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Thanks a lot, everything in this topic was completely new to me. I managed to write an extensive post-installation script, adding touch gestures, applets, stuff like folder colors, some apps, all common Office fonts, a PrintScr button that works for area selection, basically everything I learned on the forum in a single script.
I have now successfully tested everything in the script works, though a logout/login or reboot is necessary to apply all changes (mostly for gestures).

I use this for myself and users that are new to Ubuntu or Linux in general, not to provide them with a Windows 10 or MacOS like experience, but a little bit unique (Budgie) with some things like touch gestures from Mac and Panel with Icon Task List that stays a bit close to Windows.

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