19.04 Daily Download

you mean 19.04!

Currently the 19.04 UB images do not have a GUI file-manager.

We have decided to drop Nautilus due to its tracker requirements.

We’ll be going with Nemo for the file-manager but restyled to more match what nautilus currently looks like.

In terms of desktop-icons we should in theory have a choice between nemo-desktop or desktopfolder. At the moment desktopfolder is stuck in Debian new queue and thus hasnt yet been migrated to Ubuntu - cross fingers it does get included in the next 3 weeks.

When February hits we’ll make our final choice - it comes down to capability & stability between the two. There still needs to be more changes to desktopfolder in the area of accounting for vertical panels + drag and drop issues. If these are not resolved we’ll bump desktopfolder to 19.10 and go with nemo-desktop for 19.04.