yes. ppa-purge.
I don’t know why the vala normalize function which you were testing treats the ß differently from french accents.
I havent investigated how gnome does sorting. I guess digging around in the code base should enlighten matters.
yes. ppa-purge.
I don’t know why the vala normalize function which you were testing treats the ß differently from french accents.
I havent investigated how gnome does sorting. I guess digging around in the code base should enlighten matters.
ok - try number 2.
Please can you use the updated package in the test PPA?
I’ve also had a go at sorting the places applet bookmarks as well.
Nice one !
For Budgie Menu it looks perfect to me :
But for Places applet, no change at all. I really think here the problem is different : it is alphabetically sorted but based on english folder names, and not based on their localized ( FR ) names.
[ edit, a bit later ] maybe not related, but as I noticed that today after this ppa update, I have an unexpected behavior with trash, I can’t open files from within trash, nor do I have thumbnails :
[ other edit ] also noticed some issues with panel, after I accidentally delete one instead of just removing an applet ( I often do that mistake ), where sorting of applets is broken and global menu no longer works ( I couldn’t live without this one !!! )
Panel → after ppa-purge all goes back to normal… ( 18.04 here )
Trash → problem remains OR it’s the normal way and quite strangely I did not notice before ?
Regarding trash, I can open those files with Gimp, or LO draw ( which warns me file is in read-only mode ) but gThumb fails.
The trash issue isn’t anything to do with budgie. Something is screwed up with your setup. No idea what though.
Uninstalling applets without first removing them from the panel messing with the panel order is a known issue with budgie and another thread is dealing with that.
As to the places translation order. No idea just yet how to resolve. More time with the thinking cap is needed.
Guessing … have a look at this Q&A for your trash issue
Yep I know that but here was another issue added : global menu applet did no longer work. No menu appeared in panel ( except the one for desktop ). And nohup budgie-panel --restart & had no effect. Solved after ppa-purge.
Mmm… so you confirm when you put png or jpeg files in trash, you see their thumbnails and you can open them with any app’ ?
I can put files in trash, restore or delete them. It’s just the missing thumbnails and unability to open them ( for checking ) that bugs me.
trash doesn’t display thumbnails for me - that must just be nautilus. Double clicking anything in trash opens just fine in the appropriate app e.g. gthumb.
I cannot reproduce your global menu observation. I took a clean 18.04 install - added the global menu to the panel. Then upgraded using the test ppa, logged out and logged in and opened libreoffice - global menu works fine.
nohup budgie-panel --reset --replace &
that above resets your panel. --restart isnt a valid option.
Okay ! I should never trust my memory…
Indeed as long as I don’t « break » myself the panel, everything works as expected.
Sorry for the noise.
Positive point : alphabetical sorting in any language for budgie menu can be fixed ! hope upstream will appreciate your effort… I do.
Here it is → see in the budgie paragraph.
4 posts were split to a new topic: Places applet is not sorted