Export Budgie Desktop settings to another session?


I’m rather happy with one session. I’d like to « export » its configuration to other users-sessions.

I mean the Budgie-panels and applets - not necessarily themes and icons.

Looking through ~/.config and other hidden files, I can’t see what to copy-paste…

…maybe not that easy, or another way ( dconf ? )

This was a project that was started on the 20.04 cycle but was not finished

It will give you an idea of what to do. If it inspires you, feel free to help out with a patch or two big or small. Thx

Usually I do this way: dump dconf configurations that I want to export, eg:

dconf dump /org/ubuntubudgie/plugins/budgie-showtime/ > showTime.dconf

and load it by the means of a script like

dconf load /org/ubuntubudgie/plugins/budgie-showtime/ < showTime.dconf

Otherwise is possible to save and replace .config/dconf/user from one user to another but doing that in chroot when building my customized iso not always works (and don’t ask me why :wink: )


Indeed !

I did a dump dconf like this :

dconf dump /com/solus-project/ > /home/other_user/Bureau/budgie-dconf-dump

and then load in the other session with

dconf load /com/solus-project/ < ~/Bureau/budgie-dconf-dump

I just had to tweak a bit some applets settings, showtime and pixel-saver if i remind correctly.
…which sounds logical since those are not stored in dconf com.solus-project but in org.ubuntubudgie if I understand right.

This helped me Cloud sync all budgie-settings / backup & restore

Thanks a lot @fossfreedom and @puffettacicciottella

Next time I’ll also dump

dconf dump /org/ubuntubudgie/ > /home/other_user/Bureau/ubuntubudgie-dconf-dump

pas de quoi; on s’aide, n’est-ce pas? :grin:


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