Export Budgie Desktop settings to another session?

Indeed !

I did a dump dconf like this :

dconf dump /com/solus-project/ > /home/other_user/Bureau/budgie-dconf-dump

and then load in the other session with

dconf load /com/solus-project/ < ~/Bureau/budgie-dconf-dump

I just had to tweak a bit some applets settings, showtime and pixel-saver if i remind correctly.
…which sounds logical since those are not stored in dconf com.solus-project but in org.ubuntubudgie if I understand right.

This helped me Cloud sync all budgie-settings / backup & restore

Thanks a lot @fossfreedom and @puffettacicciottella

Next time I’ll also dump

dconf dump /org/ubuntubudgie/ > /home/other_user/Bureau/ubuntubudgie-dconf-dump