How to add/delete items to desktop right click drop down menu

How to add or delete items from the desktop right click menu? From the main and the secondary drop down menu?


Have a looked at ~/Templates - all files there are shown in that submenu

I didn’t know that. Thanks! :slight_smile:
How to add/delete any item in the main drop down menu?

You cannot delete items - unless you want to compile Nautilus yourself

You can add items I think through using python-nautilus scripts I think.

OK, thanks!
I have no idea how to compile Nautilus.

When the Gnome/Nautilus devs remove support for handling the desktop, would Budgie stay with Nautilus 3.26 or try to patch it to get the same desktop handling as now?

See this Help test the "Active Desktop" for 19.04

Of course, I will test it. I have Ubuntu-Budgie 19.04. Going to read it. Thanks!