macOS keyboard and mouse not supported

I recently installed and dual booted Ubuntu Budgie on my MacBook Pro (mid-2017, no touchbar), and when I opened the live image from USB, the keyboard and touchpad weren’t supported. I thought it was temporary, so I plugged in an external keyboard and mouse. But after installing and booting, it still doesn’t respond. I looked for drivers but none for found. Please advise on what to do. Thank you.

Devices are managed by the linux kernel. As such, given that the version of computer you have is very new the problem is highly likely to be that.

ubuntu-bug linux

Report the issue to launchpad using that command above.

It is likely the triagers will ask you to test the latest kernel and will give you instructions on how to.

Note - in the next few weeks the 18.10 kernel will be made available to 18.04 users - assuming here you are using 18.04 via the HWE optional upgrade

If you are using 18.10 - then maybe the 4.20 kernel will resolve your issue.