Multiple desktop layouts - help needed

In the next build of budgie-extras due in a few hours time, left side buttons will default for the cupertino and theone layouts.

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That really sucks :expressionless:
If that’s not possible,

  • The trash applet will look SOOOO out of place, do I just use Plank for the left panel?
  • Well, at least the window controls could be moved out. In fact Budgie Desktop Settings has an option for CSD, but it doesn’t work

to be honest - it doesn’t look too odd. Try it. seems to work. If users want to use pixel saver they can add that manually. No plans to add that as a default applet.

Not sure what CSD specific setting you are referring to in budgie desktop settings.

Also I’m interested in helping make a GUI if you have started.

oh - you are talking specifically about pixel saver. as mentioned - not going to add pixelsaver to budgie-extras - i.e. its not a directly supported applet by us. We (me) will only resolve critical issues with it - or just drop it all together if its causing too many critical problems.

Would much prefer someone to take that applet on as their mini-project.

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The GUI will be changing the “default settings” page in budgie-welcome. The current tab about resetting the panel needs to be replaced with options for each layout. Install/apply buttons will be used in the same way as the budgie-applets page.

The python backend will simply call the same dbus method as in

Ah. Makes sense, willl give it a shot

I don’t understand about left / right buttons : you can choose their position nowadays

Layouts should be a « pack of settings » inside actual Budgie-Desktop-Settings capabilities, right ?

Let’s say if « cupertino layout » has left buttons by default, then if you want to change that, go to the usual Budgie-Desktop-Settings as shown above and change buttons position in window section.

No need to add an extra page/menu/whatever for each layout - since layouts are made of pre-existing Budgie components ( panels, applets ) you can all configure in Budgie-Desktop-Settings.

All that’s needed is a new « layouts » section in Budgie-Desktop-Settings which displays the different layouts ( default Budgie + the other ones ). Once you click on a layout, it restarts the shell and all needed and configured applets/panels/window-options/whatever are to be found in Budgie-Desktop-Settings and users can modify them to better fit their needs

Or did I misunderstand ? ( yes I did not test - only LTS here for the moment ).

Layouts is part of the current themes makeover option - its going to make it easier and more discoverable for new users when the startup wizard is run.

I think of budgie desktop settings as the fine tuning GUI - change whatever you want.

Layouts and themes are the “one click” to set options.

 at work we just flipped to Windows 10 from Windows 7, just as end of life arrived. I saw this youtube video about Windows 10 reimagined by Apple (certainly a “what if?” moment)

interesting stuff though. I wondered if you are creating alternative desktop layouts for Ubuntu Budgie that something like this might be considered? I can understand the amount of work involved to arrive at this layout.

  • Actually looking at this, it’s two bars, top bar for the global menu/time/notifications, a botttom bar for the activity indicators, and a fancy application menu. I think we already have all that, don’t we? A bit of transparency on white bars and very doable. I’ll look at mocking this up on monday AM

If we put any of the new or existing applets in the same-ish layouts as the video then it’s no real extra effort.

The effort is just defining the exact layout, and adding a nice desktop picture to the welcome app showing this layout in all its glory.

Apple reinventing Windows 
 the result looks almost as good as Ubuntu Budgie.

I reconfigured the budgie desktop to look like that windows/apple desktop video
 and I still like the straight budgie desktop better. So why bother fixing it if it isn’t broken, right?
What it did get me thinking about was:

How to add different applets to the raven bar? Like say, the weather applet, or the note taking applet? Free up the top bar so I can leave the Global Menu on all the time? I read that’s a planned thing for Budgie 11, but who knows when that’s going to happen, right?

lol - true true :slight_smile:

Unfortunately there is no current mechanism to add anything into raven - this can only be done through changing code in budgie-desktop itself - either to add specific “raven applets” or to put in a mechanism to allow third-party (configurable) “raven applets”.

It would be an interesting miniproject for someone - but yes - upstream have stated budgie 11 is its future target. Date unknown.

Maybe this doesn’t fit here, but 
 I recently rebooted (as one does), and I noticed the sign in actually already has multiple desktops. Budgie was marked as default, but I had the opportunity to sign into an Ubuntu desktop as well as a gnome desktop. Every desktop still had my wallpaper, but not all my apps. (Flatpaks, but not Appimages) Weird! Is this due to Budgie being built with some Gnome elements as well as being a variant of Ubuntu?

Correct. Budgie uses many of the GNOME subsystems. At some point you have installed ubuntu-desktop which is why you have two further login sessions 
 ubuntu and gnome.

did you install gnome?

Hmm, not sure I did. Would this have been an unintentional upgrade from when I upgraded 19.04 to 19.10? I have never actually lasted long enough on an install to go through an ungrade – I mostly reinstall :slight_smile:

Conversely, how would I go about removing these desktops without destroying the gnome and ubuntu elements necessary for Budgie? I have enough content/music/documents on this laptop that I would rather not reinstall a clean copy of Budgie.

The implementation of layouts is now available in 20.04 - Menus - Themes & Layouts.

a few tidyups needed but in essence the capability is now available to be used. Still recommended to use the daily budgie-extras daily until the beta in March since things are being updated daily.

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