OT Advice - Ubuntu 24.04 on wsl2

Hi all,

this post isn’t Budgie-related (at least not strictly) but I want to share my experience with you, maybe someone comes across something similar.

I run a windows machine too, totally dedicated to MS Teams that I’m obligated to run at work (I don’t like Teams webapp … I don’t like Teams at all, but this is another thing). I don’t like Outlook too, so I’ve installed wsl2 and Ubuntu on it and Evolution on Ubuntu too.
Until 22.04 everything was OK, updating to Noble (WSL, kernel, WSLg 1.0.65), Evolution EWS stopped working with

Failed to obtain access token from address “https://login.microsoftonline.com/[MSTenant_here]/oauth2/v2.0/token”: Object does not exist at path “/org/freedesktop/secrets/collection/login”

error; more, url was set to https://local-none

Working on this issue (for a whole week!!!), mostly because a personal IMAP address didn’t keep password saved and there wasn’t keyring unlock pw request, I’ve suspected a keyring-related problem so I’ve installed Seahorse too and running it I met a locked keyring issue and no way to unlock it.

Googling on MS GitHub sites, finally I’ve found a workaround: after having disabled systemd in wsl machine:/etc/wsl.conf everything re-started to run.

Nevertheless I’ve filed a bug to MS GitHub because this problem comes only with kernel.


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