Possible changes / enhancements for 20.10

Some examples could be:

  • Choose the format [Clock]
  • Change the icon [Show Desktop Button]
  • Choose if you want to show the desktop on hover [Show Desktop Button]
  • Ignore transient notifications [Notifications]
  • Edit mouse buttons and scroll actions [Icon Task List]
  • Enable filesystem path entry in search box [AppMenu]
  • Enable autoscrolling in application list [AppMenu]
  • Change icons size [AppMenu]
  • Enable applications description [AppMenu]
  • Edit mouse buttons and scroll actions [Status Indicator]

I’m not a software developer, all I can and will do is donate and talk about UB. Is there any other way to help?

From Menu - Budgie Applets you can use the budgie-calendar applet - it displays the time and date and you can choose the format as well.


In raven you can disable notifications for the current session.

Maybe my notebook, but I get no warning before it shuts down on low battery.

That’s specific to your hardware - since it works for most types of hardware. Could be a firmware issue. Could be a kernel power-management issue.

As someone who has just recently switched to Ubuntu Budgie over from Windows, I have noticed a few features that I enjoyed from Windows which I wish were here. First, I would like for there to be different options for battery usage; at the very least have a battery saver mode like there is on Windows. I have noticed my battery life dwindle substantially, which I think is the case because there isn’t a battery saver mode. On that topic of battery, I would also like it if I could have a message showing I have a low battery (at around 10-15% left). Second, I want the screenshot function to be revamped. The selection screenshot should function a lot more like snip and sketch, where it pauses the screen to allow you to snip the part instead of having the screen continue on while you select the part you want to screenshot. On top of that, it would be nice to be able to change the key shortcuts for the screenshot functions. Also, I would love to be able to have a key shortcut for the screenshot applet, so that I don’t have to drag my mouse to the top of the screen.


This is a small one. I would like to drop in bat as a replacement for cat (advertised as a drop in replacement), and alias cat to the exe. Some additional git, syntax highlighting, etc features). It already exists in the repo. Can also support theming (syntax).

sudo apt install bat

Add an alias to alias cat="batcat".

Here is an example of some of the output.

Syntax Highlighting

Invisible characters

Following a logfile with syntax highlighting

Syntax highlighting in Man pages:

export MANPAGER="sh -c 'col -bx | bat -l man -p'"

It is just that good.

You may create a keyboard shortcut that launches the screenshot app.

What about putting a more full featured screenshot app like flameshot in as the default? Between the markup options and upload on capture… it is much more feature rich.

I use it and have it bound to the print key via a minor workaround (since gnome-screenshot wants to glom onto that shortcut).

Try slimbook for the battery saver https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2019/05/slimbook-battery-optimizer-ubuntu

I’ll give it a go later. I just need to get my silly apt pinning working properly so that I do not pull in any extra packages from the PPA. Although this PPA is low risk with the minimal packages in it.

Will libinput-tools and libinput-gestures (and perhaps even the gui gestures) be part of UB 20.10 ?

Just to get some basic 3-finger touchpad gestures to show Window Previews (up) hide them (down) and go back/forth a page in your browser.

I would like to have the gestures capability in 20.10. The GUI is ok but needs a bit of work to make it work for everyone.

For example , it needs a dialog or something like it on first startup explaining what gestures are, and the reason why gestures won’t work for everyone.

I.e. some touchpads dont handle gestures since they are poor quality.

Ideally there should be some sort of test facility built in to test swipe capabilities.

As such it needs more work than I can currently spare for 20.10. More than happy to accept help here to expedite matters…

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