Problem with Thunderbird

I have been having an issue with Thunderbird, so I tried to uninstall it. I tried that and it still stayed on the system. I tried purging it, and it is still there. So how do I remove it completely, because I want to re-install it. Did anybody have this issue and resolve it?

I am using 24.04.

You didn’t specify what command you used to uninstall it? and more importantly Ubuntu Budgie 24.04 Release Notes | Ubuntu Budgie

reveal it’s a snap package, so did you use the snap remove command? as the deb package isn’t the actual program being only a stub.

Hi @macgrioghair!

Basically, I’ve removed the snap version of Thunderbird embedded in UB 24.04 and what I guess @guiverc calls a stub:

sudo snap remove thunderbird && sudo apt remove thunderbird

As the .deb package is not in the Ubuntu repositories anymore, you must first add the Mozilla Team PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/ppa

Note that you still need to override the snap format.
So create this file:

sudo gedit /etc/apt/preferences.d/mozillateamppa

Insert the following code and save:

Package: thunderbird*
Pin: release o=LP-PPA-mozillateam
Pin-Priority: 1001

After that, this is the .deb version that you are actually going to install:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install thunderbird

It works fine. But the version is obviously different:

apt show thunderbird

Package: thunderbird
Version: 1:115.14.0+build1-0ubuntu0.24.04.1~mt1
Priority: optional
Section: mail
Maintainer: Ubuntu Mozilla Team <>

snap list

thunderbird                128.0esr-3       497       latest/stable    canonical✓        -

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nice instructions. Think adding this to budgie-welcome would be a good idea to provide a ‘one-click’ solution to switch from snap to deb.

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