Scribus, hplip (Qt ) themed accordingly?


what are my best chances to theme Qt app’s accordingly to my actual setup ?

I currently use Adapta DeepOrange GTK theme and Papirus icons ( Yaru color for folders ).

I’m pretty sure I can find the equivalent theme for KDE, is this the idea ?
( install the KDE theme for Qt5 settings to use it )

Or should I just be playing with the colors here :

side-note : qt5ct takes a loooong moment to launch, no warning in terminal :

django@ASGARD:~$ qt5ct
qt5ct: using qt5ct plugin
Configuration path: "/home/django/.config/qt5ct"
Shared QSS paths: ("/home/django/.local/share/qt5ct/qss", "/usr/share/budgie-desktop/qt5ct/qss", "/usr/local/share/qt5ct/qss", "/usr/share/qt5ct/qss", "/var/lib/snapd/desktop/qt5ct/qss")
Shared color scheme paths: ("/home/django/.local/share/qt5ct/colors", "/usr/share/budgie-desktop/qt5ct/colors", "/usr/local/share/qt5ct/colors", "/usr/share/qt5ct/colors", "/var/lib/snapd/desktop/qt5ct/colors")