[Solved] Can't access my desktop

Try the following which I’ve just tested

sudo apt --purge autoremove

Both commands work :

sudo apt --purge autoremove
sudo apt autoremove --purge

but second one is more « regular ».

After the password it says something like:
Reading lis of packages… Done
Creating dependencies tree
Reading situation information… Done
0 actualized, 0 newwill be installed, 0 to delete and 18 not actualized.

Mmm. 0 para eliminar so no unused or obsolete packages here, good.

You’ll have to make some room manually.

If your system still accepts some installation, try install ncdu, very lightweight and easy to use in console.
If it doesn’t accept, I’d say go to your personal folder using cd command and find some « big files » to delete, maybe in ~/Videos or ~/Pictures ( sorry I’m not sure of their Spanish names ) using rm
Example :
cd ~/Pictures && rm -i this_file
To delete a folder and its content use :
rm -ri such_folder
The -i option is for asking confirmation ( y or n ) before deleting.

While typing commands or paths in console, remember that hitting tab key provides auto completion.

I don’t have space for ncdu and don’t know how to tip this ~. I even tryed asking google.

I can write the command now. But there is no videos folder and I don’t want to delete my images folder.
Is there a command to see my folders so I know what to delete?

~ is a shortcut for /home/<actual_user>
Depending on keyboard arrangement, I type it with
on a french « azerty » keyboard.

ls -la /path_to_folder/you_want_to_list
ls -la ~/Downloads
ls -la /home/felix/folder

cd is the command for change directory, move from one to another.

cd /path_to/folder

cd .. brings you back to the parent folder

While typing commands or paths in console, remember that hitting tab key provides auto completion.

0k. I installed ncdu. How do I run it?

Nevermind. The space I made deleting big files using cd commands was enough to solve the problem.
Thank you two very much.
Lots of thanks.


Nice !

Just in case you’ll need ncdu one day, it’s very easy to use

Open terminal or console, and type ncdu to launch it.
Use ↓→↑← keys to navigate into the directories,
Hit d key for deleting the selected item,
Hit ? key for help,
[ctrl]+[c] to quit.

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