Testing 19.10 - only for the most adventurous

Today I have uploaded a patch build to budgie-desktop with the following resolved issues:

  1. Desktop tab in budgie-desktop-settings makes a reappearance. So if you use Nemo run

    gsettings set com.solus-project.budgie-panel desktop-icons-handler 'NEMO'

If you use desktopfolder

   gsettings set com.solus-project.budgie-panel desktop-icons-handler 'DESKTOPFOLDER'
  1. Menu’s should now be sorted taking into account special characters such as accents, umlauts etc etc. Previously menu entries appeared at the bottom of any menu list

  2. In budgie-desktop-settings - Fonts - you can now control font hinting

  3. Applications that need “pkexec” to launch failed to run from a menu option - e.g. bleachbit (root) - this should now be fixed

Use fhe test eoan repo:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntubudgie-dev/eoan-test
sudo apt upgrade