Uploading Budgie via Asus Motherboard

I am trying to upload Budgie to my desktop. Have put the USB and am in BIOS settings/boot menu. However, cannot now find a USB boot option although I have uploaded Ubuntu many times in the past. The screen I get is attached.

think you missed the screenshot!

You should have a boot-options submenu in the BIOS - one that describes what the boot order is - should also be able to enable/disable various boot options

I have also had this problem recently with my new notebook.

I had to go into BIOS mode, boot options and had to move the boot option for the USB drive to the top, so it loaded first.

Then the USB drive got detected.

Thanks Foss, I get this in advanced mode, but still no sign of usb boot.

Interesting, but usb drive option appears to be missing in the boot order

If you insert your USB stick and then boot into the BIOS and click the option 1 in the picture what things have you got to choose from?

Wanted to say just that: have you tried initializing with the USB drive already inserted?

I get the same for all of the options

Have you tried that generic option?

Also is there a secure boot option somewhere? Does turning that off reveal the usb option?

Yes, I am only doing it with the usb in

If I click option 3, I get the same pop-up with the same options.

Option 1 is likely to be the initial option to boot with. So maybe choosing generic for option 1 will make usb boot first before option 2, 3 etc is chosen.

No, it didn’t work. Thank you for your trouble Foss, but I think its best to just keep ordinary Ubuntu on my Desktop, it’s not worth the problems. I will reserve Budgie for my Tuxedo laptop.

You may know it already, but you can also just install the UB-Desktop separately and quite easily.

Then you have Gnome and UB both in your login menu.

ubuntu-budgie-desktop is the key meta package to install.

We also recommend installing budgie-welcome

snap install ubuntu-budgie-welcome --classic

If you have no interest in gnome-shell then you can remove it after installing budgie

sudo apt purge gnome-shell gdm3

Stupid question but worth the diagnostic: Did you try the USB installer in a different port? Or were all these different attempts in the exact same USB port?

Thank you very much ruwe, I did it, and it installed Budgie, no problem. Much appreciated.

Thanks fossfreedom, I did it, much appreciated

Yes, it didn’t work but installed it via the terminal.

Thanks for your help and input Jason, much appreciated