Fuzzy Clock translations


after having completed fuzzyclock translations (italian) and finally seeing it (fuzzyclock, I mean) on my panel I’ve been caught by a doubt.
In transifex page there are numbers and so on, the question is if those numbers do refer ONLY to fuzzyclock or not; I try to explain you what I mean:
In italian, for saiyng “is twenty to eighteen” you say “sono LE diciotto meno venti”; notice the plural feminine article “LE” that implies the omitted word “ore” (hours). When you want to say “there was eighteen friends at the party”, you say “c’erano diciotto amici alla festa” and in this case obviously there’s no omitted and implicit word.
So my question is: those numbers in transifex page do refer ONLY to a clock (fuzzy or not fuzzy)? Because in this case I must review some translation, changing from “eighteen” --> “diciotto” to “eighteen” --> “le diciotto” and so on.

Correct - those numbers refer to fuzzy clock and nothing else.

Thanks, I’ll modify translations asap.

have a nice weekend

I’ve modified time translations; as soon as they will come active in my fuzzyclock, I’ll tell you if it’s OK, but honestly I don’t see problems.

Hi and sorry for disturbing this way …

I think there’s a problem in italian time translation: yesterday I’ve modified numbers translation adding plural feminine article article “le” because when you answer to “what time is it?” question in italian you say “le nove”, “le dieci”, meaning “nine o’clock”, “ten o’ clock” so using plural feminine article in front of number because it (the number) refers to hours, that is plural (or singular if it’s 1) feminine.
But if you say “twenty to nine” the twenty word isn’t an hour but refers to minutes, so translating “nine” with “nove” (w/o article) gives an error and in the same time translating every time with article, could give another error (“le venti alle nove”, that isn’t right since “venti”, twenty, is referred to minutes) …

It’s possible to have something like an if statement? I mean something like “if number refers to minutes, don’t use the article, else use it”)?


(made thread public since it is useful for other language translators)

Would be interesting to see if this issue affect only italian translators or if other languages have similar “article” issues. Would prefer a generic fix as possible so need more feedback from other languages.

thanks! Let’s see …