Last translation detail

I haven’t tried again, but version 24.04.1 seems to have solved the translation problems in Nemo’s personal directory section names, and Budgie’s translation (for French, at least) has become almost perfect.

All the more reason to fix this little thing remaining in the tooltips of the applications pinned to the panel:


Instead of translating “Launch” as “Lancer”, it would probably be better to delete this verb, as @Coeur-Noir suggested some time ago.


For budgie related translations please join the translation project and update

Thanks, @fossfreedom!
I’ve never done that sort of thing. But I signed up to try.

I’ve looked through the translation files, but can’t find anything that matches. This tooltip is somewhere else.
Sent a message to Joshua Strobl, just in case…

As I feared, there was no reaction. :no_mouth:

I love workarounds and ‘Launch’ and ‘Lancer’ (in French) have the same number of letters. So I edited the file /usr/lib/budgie-desktop/plugins/org.budgie-desktop.applet.icon-tasklist/

Et voilà ! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Reminds me of my first attempts at tinkering on my Amstrad PCW back in the mid 80’s!

I’ve also posted an issue on Budgie Destop’s GitHub.

P.S. Two hours later it had been fixed.
Now we’ll just have to wait for the next “budgie-desktop” release.

Thanks a lot, @fossfreedom! :smiley: