Hi I’m using 20.04 and I can’t seem to get the japanese hiragana input to work. I’ve set my language to “Japanese (mozc)” from language and made sure I’m using IBUS as keyboard input method.
I’ve followed the instructions here:
But I’m still unable to type out japanese hiragana. Anybody know whats happening here?
I think that japanese post might have helped. Not sure what happened but it seems to be working now. It seemed to have started working after I put my computer to sleep over night.
I did a couple of things before that though, maybe be one or none of these:
apt install anthy ibus-anthy
Software Update
IBus Preferences -> Input Method “Add” -> Japanese - Mozc
Not sure which one of these did it. Maybe none of them lol. Might help someone in the future.
In my case, the last step was going into the Ibus setup from the systems menu, deleting the default, and selecting a new mozc input method. Of course as usual, when things don’t go right, it took a couple of hours to find the solution and keenfonng’s post above was what finally led me there. I had already done all the language setup and mozc.