Proposal for a new menu applet for the desktop

Let’s report this upstream to Elementary OS’ menu, I guess :wink:


I am guessing that the ‘all’ is the grid view.

Not sure the logic the menu follows in several cases makes complete sense to me. Either offer both grid and list view completely, or do one of them properly. This is a weird mixture of both, of which I don’t get the conprehensive idea.

The filtering is done here

Guess if a category of All is introduced then the code could just dump all apps rather than checking the category of the app before inserting into the list box.

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Everyone - Important notice

I have now incorporated the menu as an installable applet via our daily automated build PPA. This means it is now available for 18.04 through to 20.04 users to test with … together with all upcoming tweaks and tucks as outlined here Testing 20.04 - only for the most adventurous

The previous PPA is now deprecated - it will not receive any more updates and will be removed in a few weeks time as part of our regular cleanup…

So please purge this PPA before then to prevent your package management system breaking.


Remove the applications-menu from your panel … replace it with the traditional menu applet

sudo ppa-purge ppa:ubuntubudgie-dev/applications-menu

logout and login.

If you want to continue testing - please use our daily build PPA - instructions in the first post

Hi, David, from your previous post I understand that the applet can be installed normally.

I have tried : sudo apt install budgie-applications-menu-applet, but this returns

Unable to locate package budgie-applications-menu-applet

You need to replace the current (ubuntubudgie-dev/applications-menu) PPA with the daily test PPA (ubuntubudgie-dev/budgie-extras-daily)

Thank you, working fine now.

Thanks for the applet, it looks really great. The elementary guys did nail it with their menu; the perfect compromise between the extremes of old-school start menus and icon-based full-screen dashboards. Nice to see the concept spread!

By the way, I noticed you included a tooltip on hoover, to show application descriptions. This doesn’t look like much but is a great addition; KDE counterparts (Simple Menu, Minimal Menu) don’t have tooltips and as a result, when an application’s name is too long to fit and ends up cut into ellipses, then new users are not even told what the application is or does. So, thanks for the tooltip as well!

One remark on that applet, though. Application names are localized in the main applet frames (the ones you see on opening the menu and scrolling), but not in search results. In fact, you cannot search for localized names.

For instance, GNOME Disks is Disques in French. It shows up as Disques in the application list. However, searching for Disques fails; you’d have to type Disks to find it, and it’d be named Disks in the search results.

Besides, this new applet seems to ignore many of the items otherwise listed in the standard Budgie menu (such as the various Budgie Welcome, Budgie Applets… items, but also, say, Gnome Maps). You won’t see them in the main applet window, but you can however search for and find them. Is this WAD? Are you purposefully not listing minor applications (as the “big” ones: office work, development, web… are all there)?

Opening on the Elementary OS Menu’s bug tracker would probably be better.

You seem to be right, huh. I think this is an issue with the way it parses *.desktop files. again, opening on the elementary os menu’s bug tracker would be a great idea. Issues · elementary/applications-menu · GitHub

Do you think I may do so in spite of using a fork? elementary has a relatively large community and cares a lot about delivering a polished experience… So, if the staple launcher they’ve been using for quite some time still had such an issue (in its eOS implementation), they should already be aware of it, shouldn’t they?

I believe this is an elementary issue, yes. However you may want to confirm with @fossfreedom or test in an elementary vm.

However, their .desktop files would be created for their menu. Others might not be compatible though. What I’m saying is that it may require certain rules to be defined.

Correct to be cautious.

When dealing with upstreams - you need to test on their development and target platform.

So in this case - elementary OS. If the issue is reproducible in elementary then yes raise the issue (or issues) on its tracker. Obviously the target of the bug report is elementary OS.

For the moment we’ll need to investigate further. At the moment I cannot reproduce the missing apps issue reported here on UB 18.04/20.04

Will need to investigate the french language search issue.

I’ve captured the issues here

I can on 19.10. Look at the apps grid (NOT the list) and try to find budgie welcome without searching.

What is the output of the following?


Please post a picture of where you expect budgie welcome to appear in the appgrid


This does not include Budgie Welcome, it should be somewhere before “Calendar”

hmm … still cannot reproduce - set my locale to US.

Can you please show a screenshot of the grid page where budgie welcome is included?