Show us your Budgie Desktop

Simple setup, just changed the main menu icon to an actual budgie. The icon set is Papirus.


Took me a while to play, use, play, start over, use for a few months until I finally settled on something that maximizes the available screen for stuff that matters (active windows) on 13" laptops and 24" widescreens.
It does mean everything has been carefully thought-through:

  • The position of the clock and notifications at the top.
  • Kangaroo next to the Budgie icon: one to quickly open files/folders and the other to quickly open an app.
  • Most used applets at the top of the bottom set. Less used but required applets at the bottom,
  • The shut down applet as a seperated item at the end.

This matches with my personal philosophy that “stuff to get started” should be at the top and stuff you use less at the bottom, with the thing to end your activity with at the very end because:

  • Your attention starts top left (if you learned to write from left>right and top>bottom).
  • App icons top left instead of at the bottom via a dock or panel works well if you monitor is outlined with your eyes at 2/3rd of the height of the screen (which is the recommended ergonomic).

I am really happy with it and to my suprise I got used to the vertical panel immediately, so did my gf and the parents.


  • Notifications appear top left to match the left vertical panel (and the position of the notification icon).
  • Icon Task List per workspace.
  • wallpaper switcher.
  • This is on a desktop, on a laptop the Wifi & BT icons are obviously shown.
  • Dark mode is enabled but I am still in doubt whether I prefer Arc-Dark or the default Pocillo (2nd screenshot):
    • I hate the miniscule close/minimize/maximize buttons of Arc-Dark (they just look tiny to click).
    • I love the 3 different dark blue/grey teints that are being used to distinguish UI elements from each other. Although the colors still look a bit too much alike.

If anyone is interested I have a script to get this this panel including the icons on Icon Task List. It can be easily modified to your needs.


my budgie desktop


how did you managed o get this theme ?

It’s easy, use mojave-dark-solid as the theme, McMojave-circle-dark as the icon, and just add the top panel applet, also add the bottom panel and adwaita as the cursor.

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(13" MacBook Pro, early 2015)
Evicting the fruit was the best thing to ever happen to this laptop, we get along much better now lol :laughing:

I can see the places folders in the panel. Looks cool. How did you manage that?

If you want, you can follow my panel setup below
panel position : top
panel size = 28

and then add the applet item like this
1 2

It’s related to « global menu applet ».

When no active window on screen, it displays those shortcuts. « Files » shows actually what’s inside ~/Downloads

There is also a « places applet » in Budgie, which I think is more convenient.

I have the Places applet installed and it’s very convenient, indeed.

I just was curious as how the places menu items appear in the panel. That explains it, thank, you.

Very nice. What gtk theme do you use? And plank theme?

EDIT: saw your later responds.

I have copycat you a bit. But I use whitesur icons instead as app icons and papirus folder and panel icons. I use plank in the bottom instead of panel.



I still have to modify my conky


This is my Desktop, I just had to remove icons before taking screenshot, too much private things :slight_smile:.


Just installed Budgie on Sunday! I’m very happy so far, all clean, sleek and modern.


I like how you used the script type font here for the clock. It complements the wallpaper nicely, gives it a classy look.