Show us your Budgie Desktop

Frogshair, is that conky?

The time and are date displayed in the showtime applet and the rest is conky. I’ve changed and added a few things since the screen shot.

Nice, can you post your latest screenshot & Conky config?

The conkyrc has mixed authorship including me. Install conky-all first. AWIP :slightly_smiling_face:
- -[[
# Theme : based on Elegance-beam conky by capn-damo
# Author : Mixed
# License : Distributed under the terms of GNU GPL version 2 or later

        conky.config = {
        	alignment = 'top_right',
        	background = false,
        	border_inner_margin = 15,
        	border_width = 5,
        	default_color = 'ffffff',  --ffffff # white ffffff fffff ffffff ffffff ffffff
        	double_buffer = true,
        	draw_borders = false,
        	draw_graph_borders = false,
        	draw_outline = false,
        	draw_shades = false,
        	gap_x = 22,
        	gap_y = 170,
        	maximum_width = 320,
        	double_buffer = true,
        	override_utf8_locale = true,
            own_window = true,
            own_window_class = 'Conky',
            own_window_type = 'normal',
        	own_window_transparent = true,
        	own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,sticky',
        	own_window_argb_visual = true,
        	own_window_argb_value = 150,
        	text_buffer_size = 8000,
        	total_run_times = 0,
        	update_interval = 1,
        	uppercase = false,
        	use_xft = true,
        	xftalpha = 1,
        	short_units = false,
        	font = 'sawasdee regular:style=Light:pixelsize=14',
        	color1 = 'ffffff',
        	color2 = 'ffffff',
        	color3 = 'ffffff',

        conky.text = [[
        Ubuntu Budgie${alignr}20.04

        Linux${alignr}      ${kernel}${color} 


        CPU:${alignr}${cpu cpu}%

        Ram: ${alignr}${mem} / ${memmax}
        Swap: ${alignr}${swap} / ${swapmax}
        Home:  ${alignr}${fs_used_perc /home}% / ${fs_size /home}
        ${voffset 30}${font sawasdee regular:pixelsize=14}${alignr}${color3}
        GPU:${alignr}${color #FFFFFF}${exec nvidia-smi --query-gpu=gpu_name --format=csv,noheader,nounits}
        ${color FFFFFF}$color
        Memory $alignr ${nvidia memfreq} Mhz
        Temperature $alignr ${nvidia temp} C
        NVidia GeForce GPU $alignr ${nvidia gpufreq} Mhz

Screenshot from 2019-12-30 09-54-08

Broken codeblock, but nice!

It needs cleanup for sure !

Icons are MARWAITA form here.
The background image is from Japanese photographer EIJI OHASHI.


@ruwe Buddy Your Icons
 Name Please :star_struck:

This is Focal with greek interface. Wallpaper picture has been taken by myself a couple of weeks ago in Ajaccio (Corse, FR).


Awesome looking desktop! That panel looks blurred because of the wallpaper - KDE style :slight_smile:

Nice! Fancy entering it into the 20.04 wallpaper contest?

I have updated the info. Thanks for asking.

1 Like

it would be nice but I’ve taken this (and all the other during that trip) with my mobile (BV9500 Pro) since I’ve forgotten my Nikon at home and is 4672x3504 so I fear it wouldn’t fit for wallpaper contest :frowning:

That resolution is 4k 
 absolutely perfect for the contest :slight_smile:

wow! I don’t understand a bit about pictures resolution :relaxed: (ask me about Shib identity server, I’m a pro!!! :grin: ) so I didn’t imagine it was right for contest!

GTK: Mojava-light | Icons: McMojava Circle | Wallpaper: alphacoders



Not original but it is Mine

Hello ! I’m new to Ubuntu Budgie (just installed it yesterday). I like very much this distro. This is my beginner desktop :

(Icons are Pocillo-Tela from the Ubuntu Budgie Dev PPA ; GTK theme is Pocillo-slim ; I changed the fonts for the time and date to Noto Sans Regular ; Wallpaper is from the laptop brand ‘Tuxedo Computers’ who made me know Budgie via their ‘Tuxedo OS’ distribution —> In fact, Ubuntu Budgie with some modifications and tweaks to optimize their laptops


Mine is very simplistic. I originally tried having the Budgie colors as a gradient in the top panel like in the second screenshot. I liked the way it looked, but it clashed too badly so I changed it to a transparency gradient.