Spotify song covers not showing on raven

To start, I used @fossfreedom’s instructions from his post as follows:

Make sure your package management system is up-to-date and install the dev scripts

sudo apt update
sudo apt install devscripts

now run to enable the source code files from the repo:


Click on the “Source code” checkbox
Click Close, Reload

Install all the development package dependencies:

sudo apt build-dep budgie-desktop

To get the current package source code (no need for root access from now on):

apt-get source budgie-desktop
cd budgie-desktop-10.5.1

To compile first setup your build environment:

mkdir build
cd build
meson --buildtype plain --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib --sysconfdir=/etc ..
ninja -v

To install, make sure you are in the build folder you created previously:

sudo ninja install

Now what I did to update Raven for Spotify:

git clone
cp budgie-desktop/src/raven/mpris/* budgie-desktop-10.5.1/src/raven/mpris/
cd budgie-desktop-10.5.1/build
sudo ninja install

Log out and log back in and it should work now.

Also note, cloning the entire Solus budgie desktop is not necessary. You could just go to and save that page, overwriting MprisGui.vala in ~/budgie-desktop-10.5.1/src/raven/mpris/, but I did it originally the first way.

Link to his original post: