Subiquity standard in 22.04

Hi all,

I’ve read that in next J*** J*** subiquity will become a standard so I’ve decided to give it a try by downloading 21.10 canary that mounts subiquity as default installer.
Well, I hope that someone will work hard on it before releasing next LTS because or it’s buggy or (maybe) is myself the one who need to understand it :wink: (and, if this is the case, can someone explain me how to do?)

Trying to explain, if I go directly telling subiquity to use entire disk, there’s no problem but if I choose “other” … ehm … is simply impossible to create/manage partitions, the only way to do it is creating them before via GParted (or parted, as you prefer) and even in this case, “next” button doesn’t work anyway, it stays gray and it isn’t possible to click it.

Has someone given a try to subiquity in GUI version? I’ve read that in cli version is the same, anyway, so I hope that before launching 22.04 “pre-alpha”, Budgie developers (or Canonical developers or anyone else) will solve that problem.

Thanks and best,


I would be very surprised that JJ will come with the new desktop installer. Canonical likes to have at least one regular release to find the key issues before hitting the LTS status.

Thus I suspect 22.10 will be the first venture of the deskop installer.

You can follow progress here - note the number of PRs … lots to-do - I’m sure all help is welcome

thanks for your reply that makes me happier about 22.04 :smiley:
Nevertheless 21.10 canary already uses Subiquity in place of old, warm ubiquity; and it’s buggy or Is my fault and I’ve been unable to use it … I’m not so sure I want to check which one is the correct analysis :wink:


yeah - canary is there to try all the new stuff on a daily basis … so its never guaranteed to work on a day-to-day basis.