Wayland Support

I won’t pretend else.

The desktop launcher thing might fit nicely in some DE. You may also use a graphical utility like menulibre to create needed launchers ( and actions which are kind of sub-menus for launchers… )

[Desktop Entry]
Name=My most important folder
Exec=xdg-open /path/to/'your important folder'
[Desktop Action other-folder-1]
Name=Open this
Exec=xdg-open /path/to/other-folder-1
[Desktop Action other-folder-2]
Name=Open that
Exec=xdg-open /path/to/other-folder-2
[Desktop Action other-folder-3]
Name=Open other this
Exec=xdg-open /path/to/other-folder-3
[Desktop Action other-folder-4]
Name=Open other that
Exec=xdg-open /path/to/other-folder-4

…and here is 1 launcher for 5 folders ( or files also, if you need ).

If we want to use a magic trackpad in Ubuntu for gestures such as pinch :pinching_hand: for zooming in and out, how can we do this? some people suggest installing xinput-gui but it doesn’t seem to have this parameter, then others say their magic trackpad is functional under Wayland but, when I tried enabling it I realized tutorials were focusing on GNOME, https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-enable-disable-wayland-on-ubuntu-22-04-desktop

Is it yet possible to have this gesture enabling with budgie, please?

Once we have more information about gesture support under wayland we will then share.